Weekly Clips – March 3
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On February 2, Moving Health Home (MHH) sent a letter to President Biden on the President's Budget Request to Congress. In the letter, MHH asks President Biden work to remove regulatory barriers to ensure all patients may choose to receive clinical care in the home and take advantage of the convenient, high-quality care that [...]
Since its official launch in March 2021, Moving Health Home (MHH) has made significant progress in accomplishing our founding goals, including: Breaking down federal and state legal barriers to care in the home; Educating policymakers about new clinical models involving the home; Advocating for new payment models that focus on risk-sharing and incentives for [...]
CONGRESS SENDS A STRONG MESSAGE ON CONTINUING INNOVATION IN HOME-BASED CARE Hospital at Home extension finds a place in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 WASHINGTON, December 20, 2022 – Moving Health Home (MHH), a coalition of health care organizations with a bold vision to make the home a site of clinical service, responded [...]